Magic Flash Decompiler is a professional decompiling software that allows you to extract SWF elements such as image, shape, sound, font, text, button, sprite, action script and frame from any SWF file; export data to rebuild FLA files; modify SWF files and edit images and dynamic text; convert SWF into EXE; preview and parse SWF files; display movie detailed information and more.
It is designed for all kind of users, from amateurs to professionals, with an intuitive interface and design that makes this tool very easy to understand and use. The help tab contains a complete user manual, with step-by-step instructions to manage your existing resources and how to process them. It also has direct links to registration and support.
It is safe to download and install, completely free of viruses, spyware and adware.
There are a series of benefits for registered users, such as discount products from Magic Video Software, strong customer service and free updates.
Its competitive price makes this tool affordable for everyone!